*sighs* my blog has been SO ultimately dead. :( haven't been blogging since goodness knows when. But everything has been fine so far. :) Just blogging today cause its my blog's birthday! :D So its an official two years for my blog! :D Can't believe I managed to maintain a blog for two years! :) Now that need commitment. :) Last year I forgot to blog about my blog's birthday on the exact day, so this year I made it a point to do so. :) So happy birthday blog! (LOL!)
Okay, so things have been really exciting! :D I'm going to be moving house soon, into a condo! :) SO cool! :D I'll be moving by the end of next month, I can't wait! :) it should be time for a new environment! :) So glad that our house is finally sold, it took SO LONG for us to find a buyer. :) But anyways! :) We're shopping for new furniture and stuff, its really exciting! :)
Of course, there are not-so exciting stuff like...EXAMS. :( I feel like I have just wasted this whole week by not studying much. :( I seriously have a lot to catch up on! :( I just feel so slack, really don't wanna study. :( But, well maybe I shall just hang in there for a few more weeks, and then it would all be over. :)
Okay think that's about it, bye! :D
Haha oh my gosh. :) Today has been such an AWESOME DAY. :) I'll tell you all about it, like now! :)
Anyways, today our class had a meeting and we decided to change our class seating arrangement. :) it was so exciting because everyone was waiting for everyone else to draw lots, to see who their new partner will be. :) My new partner was Anjelica! :) I think I'm quite okay in my new environment, except that is quite hot at my area. I'm sitting at Emelyn's old seat! :) So ironic! :) I think its good, at least its a step taken to foster class bonding. :)
Anyway, the really exciting thing is this! :) I was walking with Emelyn to Popular today, and I was whining, saying how sad I was to buy the S.H.E MyStamp from Popular. I was really sad because it was quite expensive, and then I realized I had some ang bao money not used that I can use to buy. And then the day before I went to buy I was SO SURE that they would still have it there because I thought, since it has been there for so long then I don't think anyone else would buy it. But the next day when I went with all my money, it was gone! :( I was really upset, it turned out that because it was a limited edition item the company over Taiwan has retrieved all the products back. I was so heartbroken because I just saw it THE DAY BEFORE. :( I was really regretting that I didn't reserve it. It was as if the chances slipped right out of my hands. But today I went to Popular again, and I was reminded of that incident, so I looked at the shelves where it used to contain that album, and then I SAW IT! :O ONE LAST ONE ON THE SHELF! :) I was totally gobsmacked that I immediately harrassed one of the staff there to IMMEDIATELY reserve it for me. :) I am going to go collect it tomorrow! :) I really am very grateful to God, its like he gave me a second chance! :) I am so very happy! :) Anyway I was thinking that it was actually kind of a good thing that S.H.E didn't sign my album, because at that time I still didn't have my MyStamp with me. But then I just want their signature. :( I don't know why, but these few days I've been wanting to get their signature really badly. :( Maybe its because I'm under the influence of Lin Ying and Lizzie whoa re going the David Archuileta autograph session thing, then I wish it was ME going to S.H.E's autograph session! :( Well never mind. :) there will be other chances coming soon. :)
Okay think that's about it. :) Won't spend too much time online as I need to study for Bio and Geog. :O Toodles! :D