11:42 PM
Heya peeps :)Okays, so as this is the last day of June (so sad!) :(, I'm hear to add one last entry into my June archive! :) You know how I love adding archives, and entries into them. :) I can't wait to be collecting another archive! :) I have a feeling this is going to be a very short post, but nevertheless. :)Tomorrow there's bowling training again. :) Really excited cause there's only about 8 to 9 more days to C Div!!!! :):):) I seriously can't wait, the crowded bowling alley, the screaming and cheering, the deafening noise, the SCORES especiallly.......ahhh the excitement! :) I suppose this is what you call "pre-tournament blues"? :) Haha, but these are hardly blues at all. :) I'm so happy and excited! :) 1st day of the second week at school, and everything's going great. Except that I have this feeling that projects are slowly and gradually coming down on us. But I'm sure we can handle them :)Today we had our first Life Science Programme. I guess it was okay, we were fermenting soya beans. :) I even tried tempeh! It had a plain flavour, but its okay. It was so cool, my first time trying. :)Yup, as I expected this is a really short post. :) I guess I'm going off now! :) Bye! :) P.S: So glad that I've added another June entry! :)
6:25 PM
嗨! :)
昨晚,我和全家人去看无敌浩克 《The Incredible Hulk》。电影里面的故事是在述说一个男生,因为他在自己的身上做实验,身体产生了一些变化,所以才会变成无敌浩克。他设法想把自己的 “病”医好,但是始终没有成功。 他有一个女朋友,非常的爱他,就算他变成了浩克,她也不怕。这让我想了想,如果换成是我的爱人变成了浩克,我会怕吗?我会看不起他,嫌弃他吗?当然,面对浩克的时候,每一个正常的人都会害怕,但是我相信,如果真心的喜欢他的话,就算他变成什么样的怪物,女朋友也会接受的。
现在的我也非常的兴奋,因为过几天就是我学校的保龄球比赛,而我会代表学校去参加。这几天我都在很努力的练,希望能为学校争光。这可是我第一次参加比赛,所以我希望能过留下美好的记忆。 :)
Okay, 我像今天就到这里好了。:) 再见!:)
5:21 PM
Heyas beautiful world. :)Okays, I don't know how many MILLENIUMS I haven't been blogging, but yeah, I haven't blogged for about 11 days. :( Which is about two weeks!! WHICH is a very bad sign. :( June is supposed to be the month that has the MOST posts, but instead it has the LEAST posts. Which is surefire evidence that I've been crackling busy these past few weeks. So now I'm doing some revivement work on my bloggg now. Seems to me like every time I blog its revivement work, which is another bad sign, cause that means my blog's pretty dead. :( My poor blog! :(School has reopened, and things have been going pretty well for me, except for the fact that I'm LOADED with undone holiday homework (hehe), and,well, Kumon work as well. AND of course CCA!!!! I'm like so super busy now with bowling because of the C Div, and I cannot DON'T go for training because I have to train for the tournament. And anyways, I WANT to go to bowling, its so fun. :) Yesterday was like so fun! :) We were cheering for the people in our lanes like we were in tournaments, and Gracine's voice was like super loud!! :) So we all got motivated by her and started screaming and shouting too. :) *sighs* new school term....its so fast. And the moment we come back to school they pile us with testssss!!! Already we have a Science test on Friday and a Maths test on Monday. :( So much to do, so little time. :) Anyways, our new teacher is Ms Soh, and I do think she's rather nice, cause she volunteered to fork out the money for the cake for the monthly birthday thing, which is so nice of her. :) Okays, sorrys but this is a rather post. I'll try to find the time to blog more! :) BYE! :)
12:42 AM
Heya guys. :)Just suddenly felt like blogging today. :) And I didn't expect my blog hits to hit 100 so fast! :) Since my first goal has been reached, my second goal would be 200! :) If only it was this easy for blog posts. :) Yup, today was my birthday party! :) I haven't actually OFFICIALLY turned 14 yet, but I will be in 2 days time. :) Today I had a BBQ with my friends and family, and I really felt very lucky because my they actually took the time to celebrate my birthday with me and gave me so many presents, which made me very touched. :) We even had a little foot spa in the small pool! :) Which was so relaxing and cool. :) I really want to thank my parents for EVERYTHING, and of course to everyone who came to my party. :) I hope you had a great time! :)*sighs* I can tell this is going to be another short post. :) Haha, very tired now. Tomorrow going to Kumon at 10.30 so that I can meet Riley! :) And tomorrow would be the first time I am going to the Singapore Flyer, so excited! :) Okays, I think that's all for today. :) Bye! :)
6:27 PM
Heya people. :)Okays, so I haven't been blogging for one whole week! :) Hahas, been very busaye. With bowling and holiday homework!! I was kinda lazy to blog even when I had free time, so yeah, I'm making up for it now. :) I felt it seriously needed an update! :)And yes, if you were confused about my previous post, I did an essay, actually, RE-did a Chinese essay of my Higher Chinese exam question. :) I'm now tuitioning my Chinese compo, so that I can write wonders. :) Do give me comments on how my compo is!! :) Okays, so I've been having my bowling roll-off this whole week, and to be honest, it wasn't really good. :( So sad. Somehow my thumb seems to have grown a lot and its getting a bit tight. But never mind. :) Bottom line is, I got into the school team! :) Top 16 only actually. They're still going to pick the Top 12. I'm so nervous!! :) Hahas, I'm actually typing this in my bowling shirt, I haven't actually changed yet, hahas.Okays, this is a pretty short post, but still glad that I posted. :) Going to change and go for dinner now, so bye! :)
7:05 PM
这时,我看到本地艺人钟琴在电视上有一个很忧伤的表情,双眼都沾满了泪水。于是我把电话放下,想要听听她为什么哭泣。她开始说着:“昨天,有一些救灾人员在四川里正忙着把被石头压着的人民救出来。他们挖者废墟时,发现一位妇女,但很可惜的是,她已经停止了呼吸。但奇怪的是,她趴下的姿势非常地古怪。救灾人员把她搬了出来,发现在她的腹下,有一位正睡着的宝宝." 说到这,她又流下了一滴充满哀伤的眼泪。
这事件让我想了很多事。让我觉得生活平淡无奇只不过是人生的小插曲,懂得生活的人才会懂得珍惜身边的人和事。我又上了一堂非常有意义的课:如今只有好好的生活, 珍惜身边的人,爱护家人、那才是对的呀!
3:27 PM
Heyas people. :)
So now I'm blogging to you with a sore thumb. :( Because I was playing basketball with my brothers yesterday. They threw the ball too hard and somehow I was protecting myself with my hands in front of my face, so in the end it bent my thumb and I squealed in pain!!! AHHH, my poor thumb. :( It still hurts now.
Anyways, I've just installed a new counter into my blog! :) Although there currently very little hits, like 21 people, including myself, I'm sure if I leave it alone for a while, it will accumulate more. :) Now I also have to set another goal for my blog hits! :) Since I set 100 for my entries, I shall set 100 for my blog hits as well! :)
Yesterday was the start of my Chinese compo tuition, with Lili from Kumon to teach me. :) She really taught me a lot of useful stuff, and it made me think about the value of life, and all sorts of things. She even suggested writing some Chinese stuff on my blog! :) Actually, that would be a good idea. I mean, I've never tried it before, so why don't I try it? But maybe not today. :) Maybe tomorrow. There are many advantages to having a chinese blog, and that is you can practice your Hanyu Pinyin, you can practice your compo skills, and of course, it would be unique to have a Chinese blog! :)
Hahas, okay actually I'm supposed to get on with my holiday homework today, but I kinda forgot and played computer games instead. :) Hehe, naughty me. I still have quite a number of Kumon homeworks to do. This is a pretty short post, but I'll keep the entries coming! :) So cya! :)
2:32 PM
My 102nd post. :)
Now I'm pretty relaxed since I've already reached my 100 posts goal! :) I know for now I have to reach for 200, but its still a SUPER long way. So I'm taking things easy for now. :)
Today bowling training went well! :) Vincent didn't come today, so its just Uncle Billy training the whole team of bowlers, both juniors and seniors! :) It was rather relaxed, eventually Uncle Billy even let us bowl games! :) I've been training with my new ball, and although its new, somehow I feel as if I've bowled with it for ages. :) I dont know, is that what you call affinity? :) Haha, funny. Now my thumb doesn't get stuck in the thumb solid anymore. Now if only I could figure out a way to increase my ball speed! :) Ah, that would be heaven. :) There wasn't any roll-off today, it was actually next week. The more they keep postponing it, the more I get nervous!!! My game today wasn't very well played, which is kinda sad. :( I can strike, but I can't spare. You may think strikes are more important than spares, but in the real tournament, you'll have to really depend on sparing to win. :) Yup, so now I shall train on my extension, ball speed and sparing. :) Yeah. :)
Haha, my goal is to get all of my holiday homework done this week! :) The most that I can do that is. I just looked at the homework list we were given, and realised actually we don't have much homework to do! The other subjects are reading and getting ready for tests for the next term. :) Speaking of next term, its gonna get busy and exciting, cause it would be the time for C Div and the EOY exams! :) and of course, our new batch of teachers. :( I'm still sad that our teachers are leaving. :(
Today will be the start of my Chinese compo tuition! :) I'm kinda looking forward to it somehow, cause the teacher is damn nice. :) She's from the Kumon center, so Ive worked with her before. :) AHH.....can't wait!!! :) AND MY BIRTHDAY'S COMING UP!!! Can't wait for that too. :)
Okays, I guess that is all for today. :) Pretty average post huh? As I said, take things easy! :) Bye! :)
11:08 PM
This is my 101st post. :)Haha, actually I felt too lazy to blog, but in the end decided to come and update, if not my blog will go back to its dead state and I'll have a hard time reviving it. :( Been missing for the past couple of days cause I was away at the bowling camp! :) Yes, I must update on that. :)
Yes I know, this post is ALL about bowling again. My previous post was about bowling too I remember. Yes, sorry, I just can't help it! :) Anyways, tomorrow's the roll-off and I'm super nervous! :) I don't know whether to bowl with my old ball or my new ball. I just hope I get to make it to the team. :)
Yes, so, the bowling camp. I went to Downtown East and met the others at the bowling alley at about....10.10am? The meeting time was supposed to be at 10am, but I kinda had a longer breakfast, hehe. My mum had nicely helped me pack my bag for the night. :) Yes, then I saw Elizabeth, Chloe Tan, Chloe Chen, Xin Wei there, and of course the seniors and the other Sec 1s. I was a bit shocked because there were so little Sec 2s! :( Anyways, we went into the bowling alley, and it was like, so technogically advanced! Even the waiting list is displayed on a tv. And the lanes were actually lit up! As in the sides. :) And there was also a Mini Bowl section for kids, where there was a mini lane with mini balls and mini pins, and they were so cute! Had to pay $2 for one try, but I didn't go. :) Anyways, it was so freezng cold there that I was glad I brought my jacket. :) After the coaches arrived, we warmed up and started bowling. Surprisingly, my thumb didn't get stuck in my new ball this time! :) Then there were competitions on who will get the lowest and who will get the highest. :)
AHHH I'm lazy to blog everything out!! So after training we walked to Costa Sand Resorts, and we played an ice-breaker game before we checked in, called Splat. It was super fun. :) Then we got split into groups and went into our rooms. :) The room were okay I guess, except that the beds at the bottom were super dirty and you had to spread a sheet over them in order to sleep. And the rooms were connected, which was so cool. :) Lunch was together in the kopitiam, then dinner was free and easy. We played quite a number of games, like the cat and mouse game, the ping and pong game, the newspaper game, the chin chow game, the ice-cream game, and a treasure hunt. :) Oh my gosh, I don't really like the chin chow game, cause the idea is to dip your face inside a bowl mixed with chin chow, grass jelly, green tea and some other stuff and use your mouth to take out a cherry tomato. I don't know, but I didn't like the smell of green tea. :( Other than that the rest were fun. :) The ice-cream game was fun, only I didn't like the flavour of the ice-cream! You're supposed kneel in front of the seniors, and you have to look up and open your mouth, and they will aim a spoon of ice-cream into your mouth! :) My flavour was mint chocolate chip. We all got pretty dirty. At night I roomed with Xin Wei and Nico, and man, we talked all the way to 12!! Lights out was supposed to be 10.30. I was eating chips and drinking Coke at night, naughty me. :) Actually wanted to sneak over to Val's room but I was a bit scared and I can't really do that in my PAJAMAS! :) Lol. :) Ahhh, I enjoyed myself. :) We also had a sharing session, sharing about why we joined bowling in the first place, and what suggestions there were for next year's camp. :)
I suppose this camp would be a memorable one. :) It was nice to try and bond with the other bowling girls in our team. :)
Finally managed to start on Maths holiday homework! But not very much. I'll try to finish everything by this week. (excluding the chinese compos that is.)
I wanna go play my IWin games now! :) So here marks my end of this blog entry! :) BYE! :)
P.S: 不得不爱 is the most romantic song EVER on Earth. :) At The Beginning from Anastasia shares that rank too. :)
9:55 PM
Heya peeps!!FINALLY! After such a long countdown, THIS IS FINALLY MY 100th POST!!!! :D:D:D Haha, I know it seems dorky, but it calls for a celebration. :) To think I actually took more than a year to get 100 posts! Haha, its certainly not easy. I've decided to start on my 100th post on the first day of June, to make it more special. :) Since June is the month of my birthday. :)Yes, Animation is finally over, and I must say it has been an enriching experience for me. The last few days were very fun when we actually started to animate our own work, to actually see our sketches come to life. Now that its over, the holidays are finally starting. :) Oh, but it won't be all smooth-flowing down the river, it would be a month of rigorous training for bowling and the upcoming competitions, and of course a tiny bit of mugging. And of course my birthday bash!!! :):):) That's my favourite part about June holidays. :) And a week off to drive away to Malaysia for a long break. :) NICEEEE. :) Ever since in secondary school, June holidays have been way different than the holidays in primary school. Never before I had training in the holidays PLUS so much holiday homework. Haha, but I guess its good to get busy. Although the holidays are supposed to be a break. Goodness, I'm contradicting myself. :) But never mind about that. :)Its been an eventful weekend for me, especially in BOWLING!! :) I've seriously been training hard, all in hope that I'll get through for the roll-off on Thursday, which would determine my fate of whether I would be in the school team or not. I've bought a new 12-pound ball and a 2-ball bag, which is like, PINK, the bag of my dreams! :) And just today I bought a wrist-guard and some powder too. Actually I didn't buy it. My parents bought them for me. :) So I really want to thank my parents, because I know they love me and they spent so much money and effort in my CCA, all in good hope to see me improve and bowl my way to the school team. I love them too. :) *sighs* so I'm seriously training and mugging hard all the way to the school team!! :) Yes, but of course, bowling is a team sport, so the roll-off would not be a competition between me and my teammates, it would be a test of my own skills. Sort of like a bowling exam. :) OH YES, speaking of bowling, there would be a bowling camp next week!! :) I'm like, so excited and so psyched. We actually get to stay over!! :) And there's training too! :) Hahas, nice way to spend the holidays with the bowling team, both juniors and seniors. :) Yess, been talking a lot about bowling, but nonetheless, it has been a crazy week. Yesterday was the last day of the Singapore Open at Safra Mounth Faber, and it was totally PACKED. And there were like cameras everywhere. And I saw VALERIE!! :) Totally by coincidence! Talk about fate. :) And I saw Vincent too. :) Not surprising, since many coaches would be there to watch the good bowlers. And I saw Remy Ong as well!! He was in the same shop as me, and I was pretty nervous. He seemed pretty friendly. :) And its impressive because its hard to stay humble when you are like, the WORLD CHAMPION in bowling. :) But of course, ze soul and character is always ze most important. :) Okay, okay, I shall stop talking about bowling for now. :) Haha, I've tried to make my 100th post very long! :) For this month, I will try to make sure I blog everyday! Except for that last week that I will be away. :( I'm thinking of maybe changing my blogskin again. See ya soon! :)