5:09 PM
Hi. :D
Been realizing that I haven't been blogging! :O Just felt too lazy to blog. :) So decided to do so before I leave for Malaysia tomorrow, before I'm unavailable for 5 days, haha. :)
So these holidays have been pretty slack, doing nothing much except watching TV and Face-booking. Even the only time I'm doing something related to school is going for bowling CIP. :D Bowling CIP was fun and enriching I guess. :) It helped develop more compassion towards those that are not as able as we are. It did make me feel a bit sad, and also realize how lucky we are. :')
I've been watching 真命天女 recently, and also learning new songs. :) Its going to be THE party soon! :D Speaking of that, I have also learnt my 特务 J dance! :D haha its not easy, but finally I learnt it! :D Its SUPER difficult to sing and dance at the same time, your breathing must be controlled very well. I wonder how the singers do it, haha. Must practise more. :D
Okay, think that's about it lah, very lazy to blog, haha. :D Okay bye! :D
10:31 PM
HEY!!! :D:D:D
Yes I know, finally blogging after like what seems like MILLENIUMS. :D Haha seriously, I feel rather guilty for not blogging for almost this whole month! :) But I hope that I can redemm myself somehow by blogging on the last day of May! :D
I'm currently blogging this in my new house! :D I have been so excited about it, and we have finally done it! :D we have moved! :D I can't wait to see how we're going to live here! :D so far, I've been loving it! (apart from the fact that its still very messy and I have to unpack my own clothes! :O)
Anyway, today was Denise's birthday! :D HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENISE!!! :D:D:D We went KBOX todayto celebrate her birthday, PLUS everyone's good class positions! :D About 4 of us got into the Top 10! :D:D:D SO HAPPY FOR THEM! :D Then we sung a lot and practically screamed when we sung Love Story, Girlfriend and Peng You. :D It has been such a fufilling day. :D Then my cousin's birthday party is just over. What a nice beginning to the school holidays! :D
Recently, I have been SO IN LOVE with Da Mouth! :D And I think I've been really lucky, because I managed to buy thier first album today at HMV at the Heeren, and its really cool because its like not on sale anymore anywhere else. And I was so sad, because it was just released in 2007! So how can they not sell it anymore? And I was able to get my Teenage and Teens that had them in it! :D At first it was sold out because it was last month's issue, but the store guy saw that I was very sad and disappointed, so he said he'll order for me! :D And I'm just so glad and grateful that he did! :D
Okay, think that's all for today, CYA! :D
7:02 PM
Hey babes! :D
OMG finally back to blogging! :D I haven't been blogging for about.......3 weeks? :O That's unbelievable! Its almost ONE MONTH! I can't believe this is my first May post, and its already 13th of May! :O
Anyway, just wanna wish EMELYN a Happy Belated Birthday! :D Not like she can see it. :) But never mind :D TODAY WAS TOTALLY AWESOME. Exams are FINALLY OVER! :D I was so used to studying once I get home that it felt weird not having to study today. But not that I miss that feeling of course! :D Goodbye to exams! :) Just wish there wasn't any school tomorrow. But whatever. At least it will just be the retreat and nothing much. I HOPE. :)
Today was so totally funnnnnn!!! :D:D:D So Riley, Emelyn and I went to KFC for lunch (can you believe it? ;D all becauseof the coupons. :) ) and then we were like shopping and walking around, and it was so relaxing and fun! :D haven't felt so relaxed in such a long time. :) then we went to Popular to buy this extremely LONG fine marker, that contains both silver and gold colours, and we used to it to sign our pictures! Our pictures looked like they've been signed by STARS! :) IT WAS SO TOTALLY COOL! :D We signed them mostly in gold marker, cause it looked so nice! :D I'm going to buy an ultra nice phto frame to frame it up. :)
Haha I guess that's it for today. :) glad that I blogged today! :D there are like TONS of cardboard boxes outside, all for moving house. :) I can't even WALK now, so many of them! :D
Okay, think that's it, bye! :D
11:09 PM
Heys. :)
I just realized I only have THREE posts for April 2009! :( So pathetic! :( REALLY must blog more. Okay, strike that out. Maybe not. :( ESPECIALLY not when exams are just around the corner. :( *sighs* so ultimately stressed. :( still have so much to catch up on, especially Chem. I just can't seem to GET IT. :( But its okay. :) I'll just do my best. :)
Moving house in one month's time! :) SO super duper excited! :) Although I will miss this house cause I have lived here for about....6-7 years? It has all my childhood memories in it! :) But nonetheless, still can't wait to move! :D
Free Cone Day yesterday was lovely. :) Denise, Lizzie and I went to The Cathay because we knew there would be loads of people at United Square. It was damn funny because the queue was across two levels! :O The queue was pretty fast. :) And after I got the ice-cream, I was like "This is utter bliss! I got my FAVOURITE FLAVOUR FREE!" Haha NOTE the alliteration! :) I just LOVE chocolate fudge brownie, didn't think they would have it there! :)
okay think that's all for today. :) C Div just ended today, good job juniors. :) Okays byes! :D
5:25 PM
*sighs* my blog has been SO ultimately dead. :( haven't been blogging since goodness knows when. But everything has been fine so far. :) Just blogging today cause its my blog's birthday! :D So its an official two years for my blog! :D Can't believe I managed to maintain a blog for two years! :) Now that need commitment. :) Last year I forgot to blog about my blog's birthday on the exact day, so this year I made it a point to do so. :) So happy birthday blog! (LOL!)
Okay, so things have been really exciting! :D I'm going to be moving house soon, into a condo! :) SO cool! :D I'll be moving by the end of next month, I can't wait! :) it should be time for a new environment! :) So glad that our house is finally sold, it took SO LONG for us to find a buyer. :) But anyways! :) We're shopping for new furniture and stuff, its really exciting! :)
Of course, there are not-so exciting stuff like...EXAMS. :( I feel like I have just wasted this whole week by not studying much. :( I seriously have a lot to catch up on! :( I just feel so slack, really don't wanna study. :( But, well maybe I shall just hang in there for a few more weeks, and then it would all be over. :)
Okay think that's about it, bye! :D
3:52 PM
Haha oh my gosh. :) Today has been such an AWESOME DAY. :) I'll tell you all about it, like now! :)
Anyways, today our class had a meeting and we decided to change our class seating arrangement. :) it was so exciting because everyone was waiting for everyone else to draw lots, to see who their new partner will be. :) My new partner was Anjelica! :) I think I'm quite okay in my new environment, except that is quite hot at my area. I'm sitting at Emelyn's old seat! :) So ironic! :) I think its good, at least its a step taken to foster class bonding. :)
Anyway, the really exciting thing is this! :) I was walking with Emelyn to Popular today, and I was whining, saying how sad I was to buy the S.H.E MyStamp from Popular. I was really sad because it was quite expensive, and then I realized I had some ang bao money not used that I can use to buy. And then the day before I went to buy I was SO SURE that they would still have it there because I thought, since it has been there for so long then I don't think anyone else would buy it. But the next day when I went with all my money, it was gone! :( I was really upset, it turned out that because it was a limited edition item the company over Taiwan has retrieved all the products back. I was so heartbroken because I just saw it THE DAY BEFORE. :( I was really regretting that I didn't reserve it. It was as if the chances slipped right out of my hands. But today I went to Popular again, and I was reminded of that incident, so I looked at the shelves where it used to contain that album, and then I SAW IT! :O ONE LAST ONE ON THE SHELF! :) I was totally gobsmacked that I immediately harrassed one of the staff there to IMMEDIATELY reserve it for me. :) I am going to go collect it tomorrow! :) I really am very grateful to God, its like he gave me a second chance! :) I am so very happy! :) Anyway I was thinking that it was actually kind of a good thing that S.H.E didn't sign my album, because at that time I still didn't have my MyStamp with me. But then I just want their signature. :( I don't know why, but these few days I've been wanting to get their signature really badly. :( Maybe its because I'm under the influence of Lin Ying and Lizzie whoa re going the David Archuileta autograph session thing, then I wish it was ME going to S.H.E's autograph session! :( Well never mind. :) there will be other chances coming soon. :)
Okay think that's about it. :) Won't spend too much time online as I need to study for Bio and Geog. :O Toodles! :D
12:47 AM
My 170th post! :)
Decided to blog today as it is a new month; wanted to add another archive! :) Its going to be my blog's birthday soon! :) By then my blog would be 2 years old! :) Wow, I don't think I have ever kept a diary (even an online one) for THAT long. :)
I just finished watching Table Of Glory! :) It was so nice! :) Ping pong looks so fun to play. But I guess I must first practise my basketball before moving on to any other sport! :) haha! :D Today there was this molester part, but he was so stupid, immediately after he saw the girl then he have the mysterious face, which is so obvious of what he is thinking!
Exams are approaching soon. :( From now, I think there are about 26 more days. :O I haven't EXACTLY been mugging furiously, but I have started. :( I hope its not too late. :(
Okay think that's all for today, been having pretty short posts lately? :D haha bye! :D